How to Start an Autobiography about Yourself: Full Guide + Autobiography Examples

You’re probably thinking: I’m no Mahatma Gandhi or Steve Jobs—what could I possibly write in my memoir? I don’t even know how to start an autobiography, let alone write the whole thing.

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But don’t worry:essay writingcan be easy, and this autobiography example for students is here to show you that memoir writing can be easy and even exciting. Every person, whether famous or not, is unique and has a story worth sharing. All you need to do now is scroll down the page and enjoy this amazing sample autobiography, as well as some related practical hints.

️ A Student Autobiography Example

An autobiography isthe story of your own life. Even if you think you don’t have much to include in your memoir, you can still make it quite interesting.

Bill Gates claims that he always tries to find a lazy person to do a difficult job. Why? Because a lazy person will look for an easy way to do it! That’s why we found a lazy but smart student to write a short autobiography example, and now we’ll share the easiest ways to do it with you. Feel free to use it as an autobiography exampleoutline.

下面是一个学生自传与subhe样本adings. Remember: it doesn’t have to be exactly as shown in the examples. They’re rather to show you the right path to be moving towards. Also, if something in your writing needs fixing, don’t hesitate to use a188bet登录入口 .

My Childhood

Not sure how to make an autobiography introduction? Why not start from the very beginning? Writing about your early years is the easiest and most logical start for an autobiography.

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I was born on a cold winter night, when even time seemed to stand still, in my native Bennington, Oklahoma. I do not remember much of my early childhood, but my mom said I was a very active, curious, and communicative child. I would ask dozens of questions each minute, even without waiting for the answers. I suppose this is why my parents offered me books and educational movies as early as my third birthday.

Who I Am

In the next part of your autobiographical essay, describe yourself in a few words. It does not necessarily need to be too creative. You can take ashort learning style quizand put the information you’ll find out into your autobiography. It will be quite a unique addition. And don’t forget to make a smooth transition from the previous part!


Fortunately, my thirst for knowledge did not come to an end when I was at school. I was passionate about history and science. This passion helped me gain a profound knowledge of these areas, and I was admitted to the college of my dreams. Today, I am a student at a law school, and I feel very happy about it.

My Goals

An old saying goes, “A life with a goal is a life that is whole.” Be positive and show everyone that your life is whole.


I am certain that my degree will become my ticket to a better tomorrow. I want to become a renowned lawyer in the field of employment legislation. I study hard and devote my free time to reading scholarly reviews and watching interviews with recognized specialists in the field.

My Ups and Downs

This part aims to show that you are capable of analyzing your experiences and learning valuable lessons.


Of course, I understand that life is not just a bed of roses, and challenges and hardships are an integral element of life. Since my parents could not help me cover my college expenses in full, paying off my student loan has become an important challenge for me. I combine a part-time job and full-time study to earn my living and my education. I feel triumphant at the beginning of every month when I receive my salary and plan how I will spend my money.

Autobiography Conclusion

In this part of your autobiographical essay, you want to establish the main lesson to take away from your story. In other words, what’s remarkable about your story?


I have come to believe that two main factors determine success. The first is a person’s determination and will to succeed. Are you ready to make sacrifices to achieve your goal, like working and studying at the same time? Are you prepared to recover after failure and proceed to your goal again? Without strong internal motivation, it is nearly impossible to become successful.

Equally important is the support of people around you. Being determined to succeed does not mean alienating everyone and stepping on other people to achieve your goal. On the contrary, success is about recognizing your weaknesses and accepting support from people who genuinely want to help you. For instance, if it were not for my parents’ support of my educational endeavors, I might not be attending law school today.

Would you call this student an inspirational leader likeNelson MandelaorMartin Luther King, Jr.? In all honesty, no. He may be an interesting and nice person, but he hasn’t left such a mark on history as some other people have—at least not yet.

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But can you learn something from his story? Most definitely.

More Autobiography Samples

The autobiography example above is suitable for both college and high school students.

In case you still lack the inspiration to write your memoir, you can always come to our experts, who will help you structure and write your narrative. Alternatively, you can find some more interesting examples of an autobiography atPhoenix.eduand atSouthwestern College website.

And in case you’re still wondering how to write an autobiography, just keep reading!

Autobiography Essay Topics

  1. Discuss your experience of resolving aproblem in your neighborhood.
  2. Howrefraining from coffee for two weekschanged my everyday life.
  3. Tell how you implement the concept oflife-wide learningin your life.
  4. Why I decided to take upwrestlingand how it changed my life.
  5. Narrate your personal experience of ahealthy lifestyle.
  6. Howthe quarantine timehelped me to focus and myself and grow.
  7. Myhealth visionand strategy to improve health behavior.
  8. Discuss how apsychology coursechanged your vision of the world.
  9. Howparenting styleaffected my childhood.
  10. Personal experience of working withself-initiated expatriates.
  11. Why I lovepoetry.
  12. Describe your experience inShotokan Karateand your favorite technique.
  13. The rolenon-verbal communicationplays in my everyday life.
  14. My reminiscence of thetragedy on September 11th.
  15. Give details about a childhood experience thatchanged your life.
  16. My understanding of theconcept home.
  17. Personal experience of mysophobiaand the lessons I’ve learned.
  18. Represent your favoritemeeting place.
  19. Describe yourexperienceof relocation to another country.
  20. Why I started practicingart and dance movement therapy.
  21. The impactmindfulness practicinghad on my life.
  22. Why people likehaving lunch at a restaurant: my experience.
  23. Describe the lastconflict, its reasons, and how you resolved it.
  24. Tell about yourdream car.
  25. Describe yourdream home.
  26. My experience as amanager in an organization.
  27. Narrate how peculiarities of yourcultureinfluence your behavior.
  28. Tell aboutthe significant eventthat influenced your life.
  29. Represent your plans andcareer goals.
  30. Describe ahigh schoolexperience that influenced your personality.
  31. How I managed to applyinternational marketingcourses in daily life.
  32. Write about theteacherswho made a difference in your life.
  33. My history ofimportant habitdevelopment.
  34. Discuss thechallenges in friendshipyou’ve experienced and how you managed to cope with them.
  35. Significance ofmusicin my life.
  36. Describe what you areresponsiblefor in your life.
  37. Give details aboutthe most memorable holidayyou had in your childhood.

How to Start an Autobiography

What does every autobiography include? A theme. Essentially, the theme is the main “lesson” from the autobiography—the critical point that all of your life events come together to demonstrate.

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How do you go about creating a theme?

You can do it by:

  • Discussing a string of events or one event in particular (or even just one day in your life)
  • Introducing a role model or an authority figure
  • Talking about your childhood dreams and memories

To make the task easier for you, we’ve put together a list of prompts you can use to signal your theme to the reader.

Simply complete these phrases, develop the ideas, and add specific details to your student autobiography examples and ta-da! Your A-level autobiography is ready!

A Student’s Autobiography: Starting Phrases

Use one of these phrases as the first sentence of your autobiography:


  1. I was born in…
  2. I was an active (or quiet, knowledge-loving, shy, curious, etc.) child.
  3. My childhood dream was…
  4. My earliest memory is…
  5. I am grateful to my parents (or teachers, friends, etc.) because…
  6. My role model was…
  7. My lifetime dream is…
  8. The most memorable day of my life was…
  9. One phrase that I will never forget is…
  10. If only one of my dreams could come true, I would wish for…
  11. My main belief in life is…
  12. I am driven by my desire/passion/wish to…
  13. The main lesson that my parents taught me was…
  14. The childhood hobby that most shaped my personality is…
  15. One event that influenced who I am today is…
  16. My motto in life is…
  17. My favorite book/movie/author is…
  18. When I was growing up, I always dreamed of becoming a…
  19. One thing I wish I knew five (or ten, twenty, etc.) years ago is that…
  20. My favorite childhood picture is…

Feel free to use this example of an autobiography for students and follow the simple steps described above to complete an A-level memoir with ease.

✏️ Student Autobiography FAQ

❓ How to write an autobiography?

Writing an essay for a scholarship, be sure to includerelevant informationabout yourself. Prove that you are a perfect candidate. Customize your life story in a way that showcases your strengths and positive qualities. Any other application will require a similar approach.

❓ What’s an autobiographical essay?

It’s a source of background information about the author that he or she chooses to reveal.
An autobiographical essay is to includekey factsabout the author in chronological order. These facts usually are name, birth date, education, occupation, etc.

❓ How to write an autobiography for college?

For a good college application, make sure to put an emphasis on the positive sides of your personal history. They should berelevantfor the admission commission. Focus on academic achievements, relevant certifications, courses, etc.

❓ How to begin an autobiography?

有些人认为自传是of the easiest essays to write. The author definitely knows the subject thoroughly. When writing about yourself, start with anintroduction: your name, birth date, education, current position.


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